
Did you study, research or teach at FAU, did you spend time as a guest at our University or are you part of the current FAU generation? Keep in touch and network with your FAU family!

Join the FAU Community!The network for all members, alumni and friends of FAU

News from the FAU Alumni Network


The FAU Community

Holds together what belongs together.

The FAU Community

is the network for all current members, alumni and supporters of Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg.

The FAU alumni network

We keep in touch

The interdisciplinary Alumni Network is at the heart of our large FAU Community. It is a place for former students from across the globe to together and network with each other.

What does alumni mean?

Latin: “pupil,” from alere, “to nourish,” “to raise”

Graphic of a graduation hat in white on a dark blue background with the word Alumni

Originally, alumni were the pupils of an institute. In higher education, the “Alma Mater” was the “nurturing mother”. Alumni are thus people who have graduated from a university.

Click here to register free of charge in the network

Services offered by the FAU Alumni Network


Looking back: FAU Alumni Day

Group of people on Roter Platz

The FAU Alumni Day on June 25, 2022 was a special day for our FAU Community.