CAR-T cells: Gaining a better understanding of treating Lupus disease

Prof. Dr. Georg Schett (left), Prof. Dr. Ricardo Grieshaber-Bouyer.
Prof. Dr. Georg Schett (left), Prof. Dr. Ricardo Grieshaber-Bouyer. Photos:

Translational study funded with 600,000 US dollars.

Uniklinikum Erlangen at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg has successfully treated more than 45 people with autoimmune diseases using a novel innovative therapy using CAR-T cells since 2021, including more than 15 patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. The patients, for whom no other treatments were successful, show no symptoms today. In a new study, Professor Dr. Georg Schett and Professor Dr. Ricardo Grieshaber-Bouyer aim to investigate the underlying mechanisms of the therapy. They and their team have received 600,000 US dollars in funding for their research from the Lupus Research Alliance.

Lupus disease causes immune cells (B-cells) to form antibodies that attack the body’s own structures. As part of the CAR-T cell therapy developed in Erlangen, immune cells (T cells) are removed from patients and equipped with a special artificial receptor (CAR). These CAR-T cells are given back to the patients and dock onto damaging B cells in their blood and tissues and destroy them. This results in a “reboot” for the immune system. Lupus disease is not only triggered by B cells: other immune cells like T-cells and macrophages play an important role in the development of the disease. Scientists have not yet fully understood how the targeted elimination of B-cells can halt the progression of Lupus disease and if the new therapy has a positive effect on other immune cells.

The reasearchers want to investigate the blood and tissues of patients to better understand how the CAR-T cell therapy reboots the immune system and leads to a lasting, drug free remission. “Although we are targeting B cells with the CAR-T cell therapy, the disease is not driven by these cells alone. Our goal is to better understand which disease processes are influenced by the therapy,” explains Professor Grieshaber-Bouyer.

CAR-T cell therapy at FAU First CAR-T cell therapy Development of CAR-T cell therapy

Further information:

Prof. Dr. Ricardo Grieshaber-Bouyer