A Cup with the President – Episode 22: Prof. Dr. Claudia Lillge

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(Bild: FAU/Giulia Iannicelli)

Visiting Prof. Dr. Claudia Lillge, Chair of English Studies: Culture and Literature

Each semester, FAU President Prof. Dr. Joachim Hornegger visits professors who are new to FAU. He visits them in their institutions to talk about their research, to discover what is close to their heart and to get to know them better.

Our series introduces you to the researchers and gives an impression of the President’s meeting with them.

In episode 22, the President visits Prof. Dr. Claudia Lillge. She is the Chair of English Studies: Culture and Literature.

Group photography of the Lillge team, FAU President Hornegger and Prof. Hilge.
(Bild: FAU/Giulia Iannicelli)

Prof. Dr. Clauda Lillge conducts research into literature and culture in the area of Global Anglophone Literary, Cultural and Media Studies.

Prof. Lillge and FAU President talking
(Image: FAU/Giulia Iannicelli)

She is keen to show that literature and the arts are fundamental forms of human self-interpretation and central to human existence.

Prof. Lillge and FAU President Hornegger with a book, Prof. Lillge is looking over it at the camera.
(Photo: FAU/Giulia Iannicelli)

Previously, Prof. Lillge was at Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg.

FAU President Hornegger arm in arm with Prof. Lillge in front of a quotation: "But what if it works". Prof. Lillge is a woman with dark, shoulder-length hair and a winning smile.
(Photo: FAU/Giulia Iannicelli)

She would like to travel around the world for a few months as a travel blogger.

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