A cup with the President – Episode 12: Prof. Dr. Philipp Beckerle

Philipp Beckerle puts a chest strap on FAU President Hornegger.
(Picture:FAU/Boris Mijat)

A visit at Prof. Dr. Philipp Beckerle’s office at the Chair of Autonomous Systems and Mechatronics

Each semester, FAU president Prof. Dr. Joachim Hornegger visits professors who have just recently joined FAU. At their respective institutes, he gets to know them better as they talk about their research and share what is important to them.

This series serves as a brief introduction of the researcher and allows a peek into such visit by the president.

In episode 12, the FAU president visits Prof. Dr. Philipp Beckerle. He holds the Chair of Autonomous Systems and Mechatronics at FAU.

Prof. Dr. Phillip Beckerle im Porträt
(Picture: FAU/Boris Mijat)

Philipp Beckerle specializes in the research of mechatronical and robotic systems which can support humans in various areas.

Philipp Beckerle und FAU-Präsident Hornegger im Gespräch.
(Picture: FAU/Boris Mijat)

It is of great interest to him to understand how humans and machines interact with each other and how that can be taken into consideration in his drafts.

Ein Mitarbeiter Beckerles erklärt Beckerle und Hornegger etwas.
(Picture: FAU/Boris Mijat)

Prior, he had been heading the working group for flexible lightweight robotics at TU Dortmund.

FAU-Präsident Hornegger fotografiert ein Selfie mit Philipp Beckerle und seinem Team.
(Picture: FAU/Boris Mijat)

When still a child, Beckerle wanted to become an astronaut or an archaeologist, maybe a mix of both.

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