EELISA Grand Meeting at FAU – our student representative shares his insights

One alliance, eight countries, ten universities – they all came together at the EELISA Grand Meeting at d.hip, the Digital Health Innovation Platform in Erlangen, from May 22 to 24. More than 70 students, researchers, employees and presidents came to FAU for three days and met up in different working groups. Together they participated in workshops, planned action steps for the next year, welcomed the Ukrainian partner university KNU as new member of the alliance, and ended they event with a joint visit to Bergkirchweih. Among them: Jonathan Kolb, EELISA Student Representative at FAU.
How was the Grand Meeting? And how does one join EELISA?
For this EELISA Grand Meeting Erlangen was chosen as location for a reason: From May to November 2024 FAU president Prof. Dr. Joachim Hornegger is taking over the chair for the EELISA Governing Board – the highest board of the alliance where all the partner universities are represented through their presidents.
EELISA is part of the FAU strategy which is to internationalize education, academic studies, research, administration and our ecosystem. The goal of the EELISA team at FAU is to connect the right people of different universities with each other, e.g. to enable discussions and exchange regarding innovative education formats, to open international study programs for each other, to support the networks and partnerships of joint EU projects, to learn from each other when it comes to digitalization, and to grow stronger by sharing ressources.
Could I do this, too? Learn more about your options to join EELISA!
For students
For an international experience during your studies, join different workshops, seasonal schools or challenges held at the EELISA partner universities in Madrid, Paris, Zurich, Pisa, Bukarest, Budapest or Istanbul. EELISA will cover the expenses for your travel and accommodation. Visit the EELISA website to learn more about the EELISA offers and how to apply.
For researchers
In order to start new collaborative EU projects, EELISA has a funding budget of up to 18,000 euro per year available to finance research retreats. FAU scientists can apply during a yearly call. More information is available on the EELISA website.