Sustainability in focus at FAU’s Dies academicus
Green is not enough
As soon as you start to consider what a world where everyone can live well might look like, you soon realize that sustainability is so much more than just protecting the environment and our climate. It runs like a common thread through all areas of our lives – from health care and the economy to living together in society. The focus is on sustainability in this year’s Dies academicus at FAU: On Friday November 4, the University will open the doors of Heinrich Lades Halle in Erlangen to welcome its guests from 4 pm, not only to officially celebrate its founding day but also to provide valuable insights into various aspects of this extremely important topic. You can register any time now.
As is to be expected for the university’s birthday, the Executive Board represented not only by President Dr. Joachim Hornegger but also for the first time by the four Vice Presidents and the Students’ Representatives will look back on the most important events of the past year during this, our 279th Dies academicus. As a special guest, Bavarian Minister President Dr. Markus Söder has agreed to attend.
The topic of sustainability will be the central theme running through the evening. Paleobiologist Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Kießling, one of the main authors of the World Climate Report, will present climate change and its consequences in his keynote speech. He will focus on the interaction between biodiversity, adjustment to climate change and reducing emissions. His keynote speech will be followed by a round table discussion with other prominent guests on the various aspects of sustainability. Participating in the discussion will be Prof. Dr. Anuscheh Farahat, an expert in human rights and migration, Prof. Dr. Matthias Fifka, an economist and FAU Sustainability Officer, and Chancellor Christian Zens, who is responsible, among other things, for the campus buildings of the future.
Another highlight will be the opportunity to meet the innovators of the year in the categories of research, alumni and students. Entertainment will be provided by the motto ensemble of FAU with their pop and rock songs and FAU alumnus and mentalist Christoph Kuch. We will also commemorate Dr. Nikolaus Fiebiger, who would have turned 100 this year. During his time as rector and then president of FAU, he very successfully encouraged the establishment and expansion of the Faculty of Engineering.
All information on the event is available online at
The current issue of our research magazine friedrich also focuses on sustainability.
Human rights and peace as an essential component of sustainability strategy
Discussion: Prof Dr. Anuscheh Farahat, professor for public law, migration law and human rights talks about social sustainability, a perspective that tends to have been neglected to date.
Aiming to make sustainability a pillar of our future strategy – round table discussion at Dies academicus 2022
As FAU Sustainability Officer, Prof. Dr. Matthias Fifka intends to create the structures and processes for a more sustainable university.
More about sustainability
How can we tackle the climate and biodiversity crisis? – Keynote speech at the Dies academicus 2022
The threat posed by climate change and species decline has an impact on us all. Both crises are closely intertwined, but until now politicians have regarded them as separate topics. It would make much more sense to exploit the close links to tackle both crises more effectively. FAU paleobiologist Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Kießling, one of the main authors of the World Climate Report, will explain in his keynote speech at the Dies academicus 2022 how exactly this could work.
More about climate and biodiversityFurther information
Christoph Loos