2022 University election – every vote counts!
Because others will decide if you don’t vote: Cast your vote for the university election by 9am on July 4 online via the FAU elections portal, at your own convenience and from the comfort of your home.
It is very important for students to get involved in the committees available to the university for managing its own affairs. In order to promote a strong mandate and an effective representation of your interests, active commitment on the part of those who are elected is not enough, it is also vital that they are seen to have the backing and support of students in general. Participating in this election is one way for you to express your support.
The university election will be held at FAU from 9 am on June 27 until 9 am on July 4. Like last year, the election will once more be held electronically.
Who can be elected?
This year, students can elect their representatives to the Faculty Councils in the five faculties, the Student Council and the Appointments Council for the School of Theology. Students are also able to vote on who is to represent them in the respective Student Committees.
The election for the doctoral candidates’ representatives at FAU will take place at the same time as the university election. All doctoral candidates can vote for the speaker for their faculty.
The approved nominations for the university election and the election for the doctoral candidates’ representatives have already been announced and are available on the Elections Office’s website.
Electronic election
All students and doctoral candidates entered in the electoral register at the time the electoral register was closed on May 30 are eligible to vote. Those who are eligible to vote have already received their polling card via the FAU election portal or in writing by post.
Access to the electronic polling station is provided via the electronic election portal during the election period from 9 am on June 27 until 9 am on July 4. Personal ballot papers are automatically displayed and authenticated after logging on to the election portal using your IdM credentials.
Detailed information on how to cast your electronic vote is available on the website of the Elections Office and in the FAU election portal. In order to ensure that everyone who is entitled to vote, including those whose native language is not German, understand the procedure as well as possible, all information and the electronic election itself will be provided in German and in English.
How do I decide who to vote for?

The websites of the FAU Elections Office, the Students’ Representatives and the Doctoral Candidate’s Council give useful information about the candidates and groups as well as the members and tasks of the elected bodies.
Brief videos about the lists standing for election are also available on the Stuve website. Alternatively, you can gain an overview of the programs and objectives of the individual lists or university groups for the election of the Student Council by clicking through the options on hochschulwahlkompass.de.
Have you heard of the “Wahl-O-Mat” voting advice application? There is a similar test for the university election.
What happens after the election?
After votes are counted, the results and the turnout for the individual committees are published on the Elections Office website. The terms of office for the newly elected members to the Faculty Councils, the Student Committees, the Student Council, the School of Theology’s Appointments Council and the Doctoral Candidates’ Council begin on October 1 and run for one year.
The inaugural meetings of the Student Council and the Doctoral Candidates’ Council will be held on July 22. The chairpersons for the councils, the senate members and the other members of the standing committees of FAU are elected during these meetings.
Elections Office
Schlossplatz 4, 91054 Erlangen
Christian Bartels, phone: + 9131 85 24500, + 49 174 4814940
Sonja Vaask, phone: +9131 85 25826, + 49 174 5808781