FAU scores in CHE Master’s ranking 2021

Computer Science one of top contenders in 5 categories
FAU has done particularly well in the CHE Master’s ranking 2021 with respect to computer science. It is ranked among the top contenders in five categories: overall study situation, courses offered, support for new students, publications per researcher and doctoral degrees per professor.
The FAU students who completed the survey for computer science are extremely satisfied with their options for choosing individual subject specialisations. The CHE also concentrated on two other subjects: mathematics and physics. In mathematics, FAU is one of the top universities in the category of publications per researcher. In physics, students are more than satisfied with the international approach and the positive social climate between students and teaching staff.
Science minister Bernd Sibler is pleased at how well Bavarian universities have done in the CHE ranking 2021 for Master’s degree programmes in computer science, mathematics and physics. ‘The opinions of students studying computer science, mathematics and physics reflected in this study clearly indicate that our Bavarian universities are successfully doing all they can to offer their students excellent conditions for their studies. They obviously feel settled and well looked after at our universities. It is good to hear that students appreciate the excellent work being conducted at our universities, and I would like to warmly congratulate everyone who has contributed to our success.’
The CHE Master’s ranking 2021 consists of a survey conducted among Master’s students and an assessment of individual categories such as number of lecturers, number of publications or number of doctoral degrees. This year, the ranking focused on the three subjects of computer science, mathematics and physics. The results are available online at ZEIT Campus.
Further information
Amelie Feder
Data and Management Information