With fresh momentum and a new corporate design for the winter semester

A few words of welcome from Prof. Dr. Joachim Hornegger, FAU President
FAU is starting the new winter semester with fresh momentum and a new look. The phase of offering everything ‘online only’ because of the coronavirus pandemic is finally over and members of the FAU community can meet again, both digitally and in person, and look forward to starting the ‘new’ normality of studying, researching, teaching and collaborating together. However, it’s not just the way we collaborate that has changed. We have also been working hard over the last year to further develop FAU’s strategy and its corporate design. ‘Moving knowledge’ – with innovation, diversity and passion – is the motto and the idea behind everything we do and the driving force behind our future development. Symbolically, FAU marked the occasion by raising flags with the new corporate design on 1 October at our campus locations in Erlangen and Nuremberg.

The fresh momentum has also been applied to the logo, seal and the colours used. During the coming weeks and months we want to gradually communicate the changes to our corporate image and how the University views itself. We will take a slightly slower approach to replacing materials for reasons of sustainability. If each and every one of us makes an effort to represent FAU when dealing with people both within the university and outside its walls, the new dynamics of ‘Moving knowledge’ will spread all the quicker throughout our university family and the wider community.
Our new logo is dynamic and geared to the future, the lines show openness and interconnection – all central features of our FAU that we are very proud of and that we gladly use to present the University. Our aim involves strengthening the FAU brand even further. We all stand for the FAU brand, it is a central part of our everyday lives, and we want to raise awareness of this even more in the future. This will enable us to promote FAU and the achievements of the FAU community to a greater extent, generate enthusiasm and increase our popularity. In doing so, we will focus on new, forward-looking ideas as well as tried and tested solutions from the past.
We hope FAU’s new image also inspires you. The focus remains on the University’s name givers: Founder Friedrich III von Brandenburg-Bayreuth and supporter Christian Friedrich Karl Alexander von Brandenburg-Ansbach. The University’s name and founding year have been added to the seal.
With the launch of the new design on 1 October, FAU has now visibly and tangibly begun the process of introducing the new brand and changing the corporate design while inviting all its members to collaborate in this process. Be inspired, become a fan of our FAU and send us your ideas and suggestions. Our FAU is also your university.
Joachim Hornegger
FAU President
FAU logo: Download and usageLet’s get started! Into the future with a new strategy
FAU President Prof. Dr. Joachim Hornegger and international brand developer Claus Koch both feature in an interview in FAU’s alexander magazine. During the interview, they discuss FAU’s new strategy for the future, culture and the updated corporate design of FAU.
Go to interview (in German)