Grino Water Solutions is FAU Innovator 2021 in the alumni category

Solar-powered water treatment system impresses TV audience
Innovators solve problems with unconventional ideas: The FAU alumni start-up Grino Water Solutions has taken on one of the world’s most critical problems in providing clean drinking water with their business concept and has delivered a clever solution: solar-powered water treatment systems. FAU alumni Josef Schütz, Alireza Derakhshan and Farzaneh Ahmadloo, founders of Grino Water Solutions, were voted as FAU Innovator 2021 in the Alumni category. The award will be presented at the FAU Dies academicus on 4 November.
Grino Water Solutions demonstrated their business concept in the programme “We are #FAU – Bringing innovation to life ” which was shown on 20 July by local broadcasting company Franken Fernsehen. During the programme, three start-up teams who are associated with FAU were invited to showcase their business concepts. Following the programme, the public were invited to vote for the most innovative start-up idea. Start-ups “Duschbrocken” and “OnlineTasting” also took part in the programme.
Read more about “We are #FAU – Bringing innovation to life”.
Further information on Dies academicus.
The vision of Grino Water Solutions: Clean drinking water for everyone
Around 844 million people worldwide do not have access to clean drinking water but it doesn’t have to stay this way. The product developed by Grino Water Solutions promises access to drinking water for people in remote areas. The start-up was founded in 2017 by FAU alumni Josef Schütz, Alireza Derakhshan, Farzaneh Ahmadloo and Sebastian Hörlin. Their water treatment system can operate decentrally, automatically and is solar-powered instead of using batteries which is more sustainable and cost-effect than comparable approaches. Thanks to the sustainable and cost-effective procedure, a pilot project that started in Ghana in October 2020 has already began filtering saltwater to provide clean drinking water for more than 600 school children and the local community.