Outlook for the winter semester

Video message from FAU President Prof. Dr. Joachim Hornegger
The current summer semester 2021 is drawing to a close. Again, it was an exciting semester for all of us, far from the routines of pre-Corona times. But FAU president Prof. Dr. Joachim Hornegger hopes that you all got through the lecture period well and stay in good health to successfully complete the last few days and weeks. This is especially true for those of you who now have exams ahead of them.
For the outcoming autumn FAU is planning a hybrid semester – this information should have reached you via the different channels by now: In-classroom teaching wherever possible and useful and as much online classes as necessary and useful so that all students at FAU can make a good progress. Especially in case of travel restrictions to Germany, degree programmes held in English will be made available online to students from abroad.
But we all want to go back on campus. Back to meeting each other and to exchange. Back to a coffee break or lunch together in the cafeteria. However, so that in-classroom teaching can take place on a large scale again, the distance requirement must fall. And politics will only consider this if the vaccination rate increases.
Therefore, I appeal to all of you: If you want to be vaccinated in principle, then please actively arrange an appointment. Take advantage of the vaccination options that are available to you. In addition to the doctors in private practices, the vaccination centers now also regularly have slots available. And if someone needs our help, I promise that we at FAU will give everyone who wants to be vaccinated the opportunity to do so. Shots in arms, students in lecture.
Corona website