Studying online – five tips to get started

Starting a degree is an exciting experience in a new environment with new people, new information and new goals. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the beginning of summer semester 2020 is going to be particularly challenging for students, teachers and all other members of FAU alike. A full semester of online teaching is something that has never been implemented in the history of our University.
You have almost certainly already read and worked through the general checklist provided by the Student Advice and Career Service. We have now created another list with five additional tips for you to help you get off to a good start studying online. The most important thing to remember is that with some flexibility and creative solutions, we will be able to deal with this situation together. #FAUtrotztCorona
1. Always check Campo
Campo is the central platform for scheduling courses and lectures. If you have any questions about your classes, check Campo first as you may find the answers there in the relevant entries. Information about how lectures, seminars and courses are going to be held will be available.
2. Create your own online network
Starting your studies is just like the first day at a new school or in a new job as you (probably) don’t know anyone and might feel quite lonely. However, you won’t get to know anyone more easily and quickly than while you are studying. Fellow students are important contacts and make studying the great experience it should be. Try and network online as early as possible in group chats and on online platforms and don’t be afraid of meeting new people online.
3. Learn how to use Zoom
FAU now has Zoom for video conferencing, online seminars and live online lectures. You will be working with it often during summer semester 2020, so it’s a good idea to familiarise yourself with it now. The Erlangen Regional Computer Centre (RRZE) has detailed instructions and information about Zoom – please make sure you read them.
4. Ask questions
How does Zoom work? When are the online consultation hours? How can I get the book I need for my written assignment? You will need answers to questions like these and many more during the course of the semester and they are all justified. Don’t be afraid to ask questions! Teaching staff and all staff at the libraries or in University Administration are happy to help you.
5. Keep an eye on examination dates and deadlines
Please ensure you regularly check the websites of the Examinations Offices for up-to-date information.
You can find the latest information on In addition, we recommend subscribing to FAU’s YouTube channel: