FAU expertise in energy and climate research
Energy and climate map shows FAU research
At the UN Climate Action Summit in September 2019 in New York, Germany pledged to become climate neutral by 2050. FAU has set itself the goal of developing technologies and management processes which will allow this ambitious target to be met. FAU has unique expertise in the area of energy and climate research. Scientists, engineers and economists work together across the faculties, for example in the areas of geology and geography, photovoltaics and hydrogen economy, geothermal systems, e-mobility, materials research and energy systems analysis.
In order to raise the visibility of this research, FAU has published the Energy and Climate Map. The new website showcases current climate and energy research at FAU. The website is split into four sections: Understand, Solutions, Impact and Reflect, and gives a brief introduction to the FAU professors and their research in the field.
There are also short statement videos, where individual professors give an insight into their research.
AI research

Are you already familiar with our AI Map? The website showcases FAU’s expertise in AI, for example in medicine, manufacturing or ethics, focusing on individual professors.