Music to the ears

From classical music to rock, from chamber choir to musicals – take a look at the information provided by Erlanger Universitätsmusik and the ensembles coordinated by Music Education in Nuremberg to find the right group for you.
The choirs, bands and orchestras at FAU offer something for all tastes, covering both modern and classical genres. Fans of classical music, for example, can join the academic choir, the brass ensemble or the Collegium Musicum (a symphony orchestra) in Erlangen or the chamber choir, symphony orchestra or various chamber groups in Nuremberg.
If you prefer ragtime, blues, rock or pop to Mozart, Beethoven or Bach you should look into the JRP (Jazz Rock Pop) choir, the big bands or the jazz or rock ensemble at the university. The highlights of every semester are the concerts. Whether it’s a rock stage, a chamber music performance or the large university concert – the performances are the reward for the many gruelling hours of practice.
Would you like to not only perform but also improve your skills in singing or playing an instrument? Singing lessons are available for students of all subjects in Erlangen. At present, instrument lessons are also offered in piano, organ and violin. Rooms are available for anyone wanting to ‘make some noise’, for example in the Orangery or Schallershofer Strasse 84 in Erlangen. These are a great place to meet your fellow musicians if you prefer to play in a group.
Curtain call

You want to dance and prove your talent at acting? Then the university musical is the right place for you. Every two years, the Department of Music Education and a professional director and technicians transform FAU into Broadway. The student musicals have already built up quite a reputation in the region. More than 16,000 people have watched the productions of Grease, Cats, Legally Blonde or The Wiz. The university productions often give their own interpretation to the world famous musicals. Auditions are open to all students – even without any previous experience in music or dancing.
An online guide to starting at FAU

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You can find more articles from the frisch! on this website.