Your university in 3 minutes

What’s new at FAU? FAU News has the answer. In short videos, it presents the latest news about studying and research at our University. The presenter is a student called Nina.
You’re in front of the camera for FAU News. How did it come about?
I have been presenting radio programmes for FAU’s funklust for several years now. When I heard about FAU News, I thought it would be exciting to be in front of the camera. I was quite nervous the first time we filmed, but now I thoroughly enjoy it.
When did FAU News start?
The fist programme was broadcast in October 2018. There’s been a new programme every two weeks since then.
Where can students watch FAU News?
FAU News is available on FAU’s YouTube channel. In addition, we also post the videos on FAU’s Facebook page and Instagram account.
What topics do you report about?
We cover an extremely wide range of issues. This includes everything from reminding students to register for examinations or re-register at the beginning of the semester to the latest research and exciting events. We also often report about issues relevant to life as a student outside the lecture theatre.
How do you choose which topics to cover?
We have a team meeting every two weeks where we choose the most relevant topics from a list. We always make sure that we choose a wide range of different topics so that there’s something for everyone.
What have you learnt about FAU that you didn’t know before you started reporting for FAU News?
Even though I have been studying at FAU for five years now, I am still learning new things about the University with FAU News. Above all, the large range of services and advice available to students surprised me. There are so many ways you can get support while studying at FAU. I wasn’t really aware of that before.
Imagine you are in front of the camera now: why should students watch FAU News?
The best thing about FAU News is that you get to hear all the latest information about studying at FAU in around 2 to 3 minutes. You not only get reminders about important dates at FAU, but also some useful tips that certainly make studying here easier. There are so many great events, parties and leisure activities going on – tune in to find out what’s going on when and make the most of your time as a student.
Here you’ll find the FAU Youtube-Channel.
You’d like even more up-to-date information about FAU? Just take a look at our other channels. We post daily to our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts with information about all the things going on at our University.
An online guide to starting at FAU

Congratulations! You’ve decided to study at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. That’s a great choice! Plus, you’ve just found the perfect companion to show you around: Our magazine frisch! an der FAU can tell you (nearly) everything you need to know about our university.
You can find more articles from the frisch! on this website.