Always there to help – the Student Advice and Career Service

Leaving school and starting university can be quite a shock, and sometimes you would like nothing better than to just pull the covers over your head and hide. Don’t worry! If you have any problems, please do not hesitate to contact the Student Advice and Career Service straightaway. The advisors are always happy to help.
To get you started, we have included answers to the three most-asked questions by students to the Student Advice and Career Service below.
How do I draw up my study plan?
First of all, you should find out which courses you have to take. You can check in the degree programme and examination regulations or the module handbook for your degree programme. Next, you should refer to the course catalogue at, where you can add the courses that you want to attend to your draft study plan by clicking ‘Sammlung/Stundenplan’ (collection/study plan). Print this off and take it to the introductory event for your degree programme, where you will find out what to do next. Further information on the study plan can be found at
I’m not enjoying my degree programme. How can I change?
First of all you should think about why you’re not enjoying your degree programme. The best thing to do is arrange a meeting with a study advisor from the Student Advice and Career Service. Together, you can think about which other degree programmes would interest you. Do you want to study something completely different or a similar degree programme? What do you have to do to change your degree programme?
What should I do after my Bachelor’s degree? Should I study a Master’s degree and if so, which one?
The Student Advice and Career Service offers a Master’s information day every year with presentations and information on programmes offered at FAU. You should also talk to an advisor to work out which Master’s degree programmes would be suitable and which requirements have to be met. It might even turn out to be a subject you haven’t actually thought about yet. Answers to a number of other questions can be found in the Student A-Z: And if you still have questions, you can arrange an appointment at or come to one of the open consultations.
An online guide to starting at FAU

Congratulations! You’ve decided to study at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. That’s a great choice! Plus, you’ve just found the perfect companion to show you around: Our magazine frisch! an der FAU can tell you (nearly) everything you need to know about our university.
You can find more articles from the frisch! on this website.