Climate research in geological history continues

DFG approves extension for research group 2332 at FAU
The interdisciplinary DFG research group TERSANE has been investigating extreme climate events in our planet’s history since 2016. Under the leadership of Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), the research group is investigating how periods of extreme heat occurred, how severe the changes to the environment associated with them were and how exactly these changes affected marine animals and ecosystems. Such events could serve as an analogy for us to estimate the consequences of man-made climate change better. One of the research group’s main aims is to find out the conditions under which catastrophic mass extinctions can be triggered by climate change. The German Research Foundation (DFG) has now granted further funding of around 1.56 million euros over a period of three years for the TERSANE research project.
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Kießling, Chair for Palaeoenvironmental Research at FAU, is the speaker and coordinator of the research group in addition to leading one of the five sub-projects of the FAU research group.
Further information about TERSANE is available on the project website.
Information about TERSANE and Prof. Kießling’s other projects is available on his website.
Further information
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Kießling
Phone: +49 9131 8526959