Special Brown Bag Break
Brown bag breaks get their name from the USA, where lunches are often packaged in brown paper bags. Within its research alumni strategy FAU is hosting these international and interdisciplinary networking events for young researchers. These informal events are an ideal opportunity to form networks beyond individual research project and fields. Young researchers can get in touch with each other other young researchers and can share ideas beyond national borders.
To mark the occasion of the visit of the FAU-Ambassadors to Erlangen, FAU is hosting a special edition of the Brown Bag Breaks, which is open to all faculties.
Join us on Wednesday June 28, 2017 at 18.30 in the Senatssaal in the Kollegienhaus (Universitätsstraße 15) for interesting insights into transnational academic careers and experiences in research and teaching from all over the world. The two FAU-Ambassadors – Professor Dr. Enrique Zuazua from Spain and Professor Vijay K. Bhargava, PhD from Canada will offer their take on international development in academia.
Don’t miss the chance to join them for a sandwich and some fruit as well as other food for thought. Please register for the event by sending an e-mail with your first name, last name name, highest qualification, home country and FAU institute/chair to zuv-bbb@fau.de.