What is really important for a successful start at university?
Welcome to FAU! You’re ready to dive into student life. What is really important for a successful start at university? The magazine frisch! asked people who were sure to be in the know: students at FAU.
Frauke (25), mechanical engineering

The most important thing is to communicate with your fellow students. Right at the beginning of my studies, I looked for student clubs that sounded interesting and visited them. That’s how I found the robot footballers at Robotics Erlangen, which I’m still part of today. The great thing is that you don’t need any special knowledge to join a student club. You learn by being there and participating. So don’t be shy – try things out!
Max (25), business studies

Every student at the School of Business and Economics should know ‘Trichter’, the student café. It’s a perfect place to meet with other students and spend time between classes while enjoying one of the café’s broad selection of coffees. It’s also great for studying, since the University itself only has limited spaces available for studying. The semester kick-off and end of semester parties and the annual barbecue in Trichter’s courtyard are especially fun. All in all it gets a big LIKE!
Ruth (24), medicine

The first semester is really packed with compulsory classes and practical courses and everything is new and exciting. It’s important to make sure that you take breaks to relax. I can really recommend the university sport classes to balance out all the time you’ll spend studying. If a class is already full, it’s a good idea to get on the waiting list and to stop by the class in the second or third week to ask if a space has opened up. That happens quite often.
Christina (28), Master’s degree programme in Literary Studies – Intermedial and intercultural

Definitely take the opportunity to go abroad! A semester abroad is a unique opportunity to get to know another country, improve your language skills, meet new friends and broaden your horizons. You’re going to hear that there’s no time to go on a semester abroad during your studies. On the one hand, that’s just not true, and on the other hand, the benefits of a semester abroad would be worth ‘losing’ a semester.
Matthias (26), Latin and history

Don’t let yourself get stressed out – not by your lecturers or your fellow students. Try to see your studies for what they’re supposed to be: the once in a lifetime chance to learn everything you want – and I’m sure that includes things outside of our official subjects for all of us! And you probably won’t ever again have the chance to meet as many different people as you can here!
Johannes (21), law

If you have problems with your studies, your fellow students at the student association (Fachschaftsinitiative, FSI) can help you out. They are responsible for things like collecting old exams and lecture notes and contacting professors to make sure that students’ needs are heard. They also plan lots of events and parties. They’re always happy to have new members who help keep everything running smoothly.
More information for new students
The magazine for first semester students frisch! explains almost everything that you need to know as a new student at the University, such as which services are available to help make sure you get off to a good start and how to find accommodation.
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