Looking for somewhere to study?

Where can I find a group study room with WiFi and a scanner in the south of Erlangen that’s open in the evening? The University Library’s Library Study Rooms Navigator knows!
In addition to the traditional quiet rooms, many of FAU’s libraries also have various study areas such as individual study booths, lounge areas, computer work stations or special rooms for blind people or parents with children. The Library Study Rooms Navigator provides information about the technical facilities and working conditions in these areas – with photos of the work spaces, maps, information about opening hours and instructions on how to get there using public transport.
‘The University Library is a communal learning space. Students are working on course content in groups and outside lectures more and more often. With the University Library’s Library Study Rooms Navigator, students quickly check where they can find the right study space for group work or quiet work in the University Library,’ explains Konstanze Söllner, director of the University Library.
Further information:
Christoph Ackermann
Tel. +49 9131 8522172