FAU student survey 2016 successfully completed

The FAU student survey (FAU-St) 2016 was completed on 7 February with a positive result – the number of participating students increased by around one third in comparison with the previous year. This year around 5000 students took part in the survey.
‘We are very pleased that so many students have participated,’ says Vice President for Teaching and Learning Prof. Dr. Kley, ‘but increasing participation further next year is still an important goal. The more students take part in the FAU student survey, the more meaningful the results.’
The data is currently being processed and evaluated. The initial analysis indicates that the majority of the students surveyed rated their experience studying at FAU positively. Over 70 percent stated that they were rather satisfied or very satisfied with their degree programme. Around 60 percent were satisfied with study conditions in general.
The data also indicates that the difficulties that new students experience when starting at the University are mainly related to organising their studies and finding their own learning style. 60 percent of students who are nearing the end of their degree programme found the careers advice and support on offer satisfactory or better.
Last year the Office of Teaching Quality Assurance revised the previous FAU Panel survey completely on the basis of feedback from the Students Representatives and the faculties, including questions on aspects of the current situation for students that were not discussed before. One of the aims of this was to increase the usefulness of the survey for measures for developing and improving study conditions. Another was to adapt the content more closely to phases and transitions that students go through during their degree programmes. Finally, the changes were intended to reverse the long-term trend of decreasing numbers of participants. The final report on the FAU student survey will be published and available to view on OPUS FAU along with the complete documentation at the beginning of the lecture period in April 2016.
If you have any questions or comments about the FAU student survey, please contact Nicole Scherber (+49 9131 8521197) or Dr. Christopher Schmidt (+49 9131 8524172) or send an e-mail to evaluation@fau.de.