International research alumni meet at FAU

FAU is committed to ensuring that young researchers get the best possible start to their academic careers. A recent event at the University’s Chair of Chinese Studies provides an excellent example of how this goal is being put into practice. On 16 and 17 October, sinologists from Germany, China and Japan who worked together at FAU between 2001 and 2004 in an international quality network set up by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) met for a conference. During the conference the researchers discussed their experiences in the network and their subsequent careers, which are remarkable.
The transfer of knowledge between China and the West was the main focus of the quality network where 30 researchers spent six months or a year at FAU conducting research, making contacts and exchanging ideas. The researchers in the quality network included 20 students from China and Japan who were preparing for to complete their Master’s or doctoral degrees. 14 of these researchers now hold professorships at renowned universities in China, Japan and the USA, while three of the German researchers who were involved in the network are now professors.
For the sinologists the alumni conference in Erlangen was an opportunity to strengthen their international networks, exchange knowledge and discuss the possibility of new joint projects.
The conference was funded by the University, the Confucius Institute and the International Consortium for Research in the Humanities.
Further information:
Prof. Dr. Michael Lackner
Phone: +49 9131 8564330